
The staff at St Vincent’s School believe in providing a wide range of learning opportunities for our students to assist in their development of literacy skills. These skills include the ability to listen, communicate both orally and through the written word, read for meaning and the effective use of Technologies.

This pathway to literacy is developmental and individual for each child. Teachers seek to extend and challenge those students who have demonstrated advanced ability in literacy and support those that need assistance to achieve their own literacy goals. Differentiated literacy programs, a variety of resources and encouragement from teachers and support staff help in creating a learning environment in which students thrive.

Students progress is continually monitored and analysed through a range of assessment resources and teacher observation. Students and school data is used to create new and innovative learning opportunities that will both challenge and support our students.

Students at St Vincent’s are motivated to develop ongoing skills and a life-long passion for literacy. This is achieved through:

  • A daily two-hour literacy block.
  • Instructional, individual and shared reading.
  • Viewing and writing of a range of written texts.
  • Explicit teaching in the understanding and use of grammar, punctuation, spelling and sentence structure.
  • Interaction with a range of eLearning technologies including iPads and ChromeBooks.

All subject areas at St Vincent’s are viewed as opportunities to develop sound literacy skills and the creation of contemporary teaching and learning programs ensures that all elements of the new Australian Curriculum are developed.



Our school implements the Sounds-Write program as part of a balanced Literacy Program. Sounds-Write involves daily explicit teaching and practice in phonological awareness and phonic knowledge skills and understandings.

Beginning in Kindergarten and then extended in Years 1, 2  and 3, students are supported to use this knowledge to support their reading and writing development. Years 4 to 6 further develop their phonological, visual, etymological and morphemic spelling knowledge through weekly explicit teaching and practice of increasingly complex words.